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Everything in Internet Explorer is dynamic, so in principle you could do something like:
<map id="myMap"> ... </map> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- if (document.all) document.all.myMap.innerHTML='<area.....><area...>'; //--></script>
A Netscape compatible solution would be to use javascript urls in the hrefs and change where they go to instead:
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- function url(link) { // example condition: if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { if (link == 1) location.href = ''; .... } else { if (link == 1) location.href = ''; .... } } //--></script> <map> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,400,25" href="javascript:url(1)"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,25,25,375" href="javascript:url(2)"> <area shape="rect" coords="25,25,174,375" href="javascript:url(3)"> <area shape="rect" coords="175,25,225,375" href="javascript:url(4)"> <area shape="rect" coords="225,25,375,375" href="javascript:url(5)"> <area shape="rect" coords="375,25,400,375" href="javascript:url(6)"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,375,400,400" href="javascript:url(7)"> </map>
Also see the answer to FAQ 336.